How to heal a broken heart
Why does heart ache exist?
How to heal a broken heart? First of all, I can see a slide. The slide represents the individual life journey. Everybody has his or her own slide. The slide has ups and downs in their curves. The ups and downs in that slide are the normal process of sliding down. Therefore, each up and each down is necessary to build the whole slide in total. From a wider perspective you would see the bigger picture of the whole slide. However, in the moment where you slide down and experience highs and lows, you can’t see the bigger picture.
Know that each up and each down has its right to be where it is.
To sum up, taking also the downs, incorporating them and sliding over them, is necessary to reach the next up. It is important for you to know that without the lows you will never be able to reach your overall goal – universal consciousness. Imagine a slide with just the up curve, it would be a huge up curve forming a never ending circle. The same applies to the down curve – a never ending cycle. As soon as you acknowledge both – yin and yang – you will be able to actually slide down the slide without being stuck in a circle all the time.
How can you heal your heart?
Acknowledge that everything has a reason. While sliding, you can’t see the bigger picture. Somewhen later you will be able to see and understand why you needed to take this downward curve. Every time you experience difficulties, let your heart heal. Remind yourself of the bigger picture. Incorporate everything in your life into yourself. Because everything is in you.
You have a broken heart – what to do?
In short, let the pain be present, feel it, feel where it is exactly in your body and what it does with you. Inhale the pain fully into your body. Embrace it. Your soul consists of different fragments. Let those fragments come all back home, to your heart. In the center of your being. If you repulse the pain, not inviting the pain to come back home, one essential part of your self will never be able to come back home and heal. Be aware that the pain you are going through is there for a reason. A greater reason you might not be able to grasp yet. Not yet. Over some time you will understand why you had to go through this pain. Most probably the pain helped you to grow more as a human. To take the next step in your life. Never repulse pain, neither ignore it. Invite this fragment of your soul to be fully seen, appreciated and incorporated. All is good.
Note: Our human perception might think that going down a slide means life is going down a drain. Be aware that this is our limited perception. You can see that metaphor as a reminder that going down the slide by accepting every up and down as part of the flow of life. Going with the flow, doing what feels right, is much easier than climbing up the slide (your life) and use much more energy.

Photo credit featured image: mariejorunn.com
Photo credit slide: feepik.com
Do you have the desire heal a broken heart and find out more about why you experience heart ache right now?
An Akashic records reading can help you understand why you have to go through this heart ache and how you can heal your heart. Book your Akashic records reading here.

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