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Akashic Records Certification Level 1

Learn how to receive messages to guide you. Develop your natural psychic-intuitive abilities to gain more meaning and fulfillment.

Are you ready?

The course is there to help you learn the fundamental skills for working in the Akashic Field. Learn about life force energy, deeper life influences and tap into your Akashic Records. We put this course together to help you with the emerging conscious paradigm to receive your answers from the inside.

One-on-one Courses

Marie offers One-on-one Akashic Records Certification Level 1 courses. We will learn the theory and practice, space for personal sharing and guidance. In order to fully help you learn these skills, we also include a guided Akashic Records Reading at the end of the course to enter your own Akashic Records.

What this course features

  • Fully-accredited course with a completion certificate from the Modern Mystics Collective
  • In total a 7-hour in person session/call to learn the theory and practice, space for personal sharing and guidance (can be split into several calls to digest the content easier)
  • Includes a 50+ page digital handbook
  • Recorded meditations as mp3s with special music for enhancing the Akashic experience

What we cover in this course

  • What the Akashic Records are
  • A code of ethics to work safely and realistically within the Akashic Records
  • Cultivating Life Force energy for greater alignment
  • Energy centers outside the body to connect to the Akashics
  • Science and heart coherence
  • How to tell mind chatter from perception
  • Akashic Records opening sequence
  • Asking the Akashic Records for messages
  • Channeling Creativity

With the Akashic Records Certification Level 1 you learn powerful ways to connect with the Akashic Records. Especially, to develop your natural psychic-intuitive abilities.

Price: 440 EUR


I did the Akashic Records Reader Certification Course Level 1 with Marie, Martin and Dave and I am very grateful for that. In a loving and inspiring way they taught me a wonderful tool to deepen the connection to my higher insight and healing. The way Marie, Martin and Dave talk and explain everything you can feel that they do their work with passion, love and devotion. In the weekly Zoom calls they give every participant enough room to express their experience, feelings and questions. Additionally we got a workbook, which explains the theory and backgrounds of the Akashic Records very understandable. It also gives you many exercises and practical advices to deepen your own practice. Thank you Marie, Martin & Dave!


Coach, Germany

The Akasha records Level 1 was a very intensive and life-enriching course for me! It has helped me establish a very special connection with myself and gain a new perspective on the different facets of life. Through the schedule and the weekly calls, I was very well supported by Marie, Martin, and David, which helped me a lot to process the new impressions pleasantly. Therefore, I would like to express my biggest thanks at this point and am looking forward to further courses with you!

Regina Zang

Co-founder of BeMore Union

I couldn't decide if I should take the step to Akashic Records because I have challenges to open my heart. But I dared, and it should be like this. Through the 4-week course, I have gained an even better understanding of myself, my being, and my environment. I feel that the coherence of the brain and the heart can be the most powerful energy of a human being, and I am very grateful for that. I walk through life with a positive attitude (even in negative situations) instead of talking myself into something negative and thus to think negatively. It is not just a course, but helps you create a framework to take your individual steps in the world and know how to do it: It is just right for me! And what more do we want from life? I love the process, not the goal. PS: You get to know inspiring people in the courses and notice a very important thing: You are not alone!

Benjamin Reske

Co-founder of BeMore Union

The course has helped me a lot to connect deeper with myself and my closest friends and relatives. By understanding my path and my current situation in life better, I gained strength and confidence. I could finally free myself from old limiting believes that I did not even know about. I am incredibly grateful and would recommend this course to anyone looking for more clarity and ready to change their lives for the better. Thank you, Marie, Dave, and Martin!

Jannis Altmann

Co-founder of BeMore Union

Thank you Marie, Dave and Martin. The Akashic Records course was incredible. It still amazes me, when I think about how quickly all of us were able to enter our Records and receive insights about our present life and past lives. Thank you again! I am very much looking forward to Level 2.

Tina-Marie Nielsen

Sound Healer

Absolutely mind blowing! Marie, Martin & Dave create a safe space and environment where you can share from the heart. I have gained knowledge that I can apply in my daily life and left with absolute certainty that these tools will help me on my spiritual path of healing, grow and personal development.

Tania Tome


I completed the Akashic Reading Intro Course and Level 1. Since then I feel much more aligned with my higher purpose, more at ease and more peaceful. I can recommend this life-changing experience to anyone who is seeking healing and answers from within.

Alissa N.

Co-founder, Nutrition Coach

© 2023, frisinka OÜ, Marie + Martin Richtsfeld