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Akashic Gong sound journey

Experience one of the most powerful instruments – the Gong
and one of the most influential fields – the Akasha

We hold space for you to experience your True essence

About Akashic Gong Sound Journeys

We love creating safe spaces in our Akashic Sound Journeys. It opens another dimension where seekers receive what they are ready for. Our harmonic bond is holding the space, so you can immerse into a journey to the deeper realms of yourself. Throughout this journey, we support you with many instruments. Most of them originated thousands of years ago. Facilitators used them to initiate healing on a physical and spiritual level. The Gong is a dimension in itself that defies any description. Only experiencing it lives up to its purpose of transformation. All tribes used drums, and our pow-wow drum gives the journey an extra punch. The crystal bowls create a deep resonance within the body, generating a state of alignment and harmony. Furthermore, we use smaller percussion instruments to support healing from many dimensions.

We have a simple intention for our sound journeys. We always give our best. As a result, your higher self can connect you to whatever you need right at that moment. It guides you on the way to unleashing your full potential.

We live in Ubud, Bali, and besides our private journeys, we facilitate our public journeys at the Pyramids of Chi.

What are the Akashic Records?

To create an even more personalized experience, Marie accesses the Akashic Records to channel either a group meditation or personal messages for individuals.

The Akashic Records is an energy field that is permeating the entire universe and store all thoughts, actions, and developments. All this information is already available – in the NOW.

Read more about the Akashic Records here.


See one of our most magical journeys during full moon


Martin and Marie's Sound bath is a beautiful, sweet and nourishing experience. I felt safely and comfortably held as if on a soft fluffy cloud. The sounds were very relaxing and felt very healing in my body. Martin and Marie are authentic, intuitive and responsive. I am very grateful I had an opportunity to participate in this magical journey, totally recommended. Thank you.


Yoga Teacher, Ecstatic Dance DJ & Massage Therapist

The Akashic Sound Journey Marie and Martin create is unique, very nourishing, and recharging. I love how their energies merge and create a harmonious, unified field to support your transformation. The minute I walked into the space, I felt held and supported. Safe to let go and be. I felt peaceful, calm, and deeply relaxed after the session.



I always loved my gong. It is a beautiful instrument. And then Martin played it. I then understood that the gong is a living being. It holds a consciousness. It carries healing through its pure sounds that penetrate deep into our hearts and bodies. Marie deepened the field of sound with her sacred presence. She amplified the field in their union of love with her words and supportive instruments. Sensitivity, openness and healing sounds touched us all. Thank you for such a precious experience of the masculine and the feminine demonstrating and expressing pure love in words and sound.

Alaya Chikly

Founder of Heart Centered Therapy

I have had the opportunity to enjoy Marie and Martin's Akashic Sound Journeys and it was truly an epic experience. It felt as though it permeated through every cell of my body, healing me from head to toe. I felt so much love in the space and, surprisingly, I had many visuals. Marie and Martin are highly skilled guides and I would recommend this to all … deeply relaxing and heart-opening … helpful to recalibrate and shift your energy. Also, I love feeling Marie and Martin's connection in the space, especially when they sing together.

Ja Pace


Marie and Martin gave a beautiful Akashic Sound Journey, and I enjoyed every moment, even with my three-month-old baby. She was lulled into a deeper sleep with each sound as I went into a very visual, yet relaxed state of mind. I really needed this! Martin and Marie have such a pure, loving, grounded energy, and it reaches the heart of everyone in participation. Thank you!

Hanna Larsen

U.S Holistic Health Consultant

I had the honor to experience a private Akashic Sound Journey with Marie and Martin. Through their sounds, I was beamed into another dimension. As soon as the two start using the instruments, a particularly powerful energy opens up. This allows each participant to receive exactly what he or she needs at this moment. The session with Marie and Martin was really magical and healing!

Andrea Morgenstern

Holistic Coach and Founder of School of Light

© 2022, frisinka OÜ, Marie + Martin Richtsfeld